Monday, October 01, 2007

Art can come in the simplest of forms...

and the most creative of ways. Daniel Eatock has a mind like no other.

His website is full of innovation and creation.

Definitely something you should check out. Enjoy!


Heather Moore said...

I love that! Brilliant.

Linda O'Neill said...

I love the way he did that. So simple yet dazzling!

Another Shade of Grey said...

I'm so glad you all enjoyed. I so want to try this but at the moment I don't own enough Pantone markers in enough shades. :(

haus maus said...

very cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very finicky when it comes to art. Especially when it comes to hanging in my home. This is so cool. I don't know if I would actually have a place to put it but I just love the color and simplicity of the dots. Great find!

Another Shade of Grey said...

Thanks for dropping in Holly.

Thanks Kristen. :)

Michelle said...

Dude, that is soo cool! What a great idea.

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