Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When It Rains It Pours

by Jonathan Edelhuber.


Unknown said...

love this piece...great colors & layers.

Linda O'Neill said...

Really nice abstract painting...it's got a lot going on. Love the way he did the drippy sky!

Anonymous said...

nice visuals.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
jenone said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Another Shade of Grey said...

As a rule, I will not allow negative anonymous comments in regards to an artists work. If either of you (anonymous or Jennifer) would like to leave a comment with an actual blogger account that is accessible by all I will be more than happy to repost them. Thanks. :)

jenone said...

I am Jennifer, and my appologies, i had thought that i was able to comment using my google account. Please re-post my comment.

SimplyGrove said...

Lovely picture and great blog!!!!

G said...

Hope the sun is shining soon. This is a great painting to look at in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

HI Another Shade of Grey, you haven't posted for a little while and I really miss your posts. Hope all is well with you - this is one of my very favorite design blogs keep up the great work.

Hazelnut said...

Hello! I just found your blog. So lovely! I added it to my blogroll.


Anonymous said...

I miss your blog entries too! Hope all is well...
Best, Ann K.

Anonymous said...

I check your blog everyday and have also noticed your abscence. We miss you!

Suzanne Anas Jurich said...

I also miss your entries! I hope everything is alright!

Anonymous said...

Miss your entries. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

i hope everything is ok-- you've disappeared!! please come back. :)

Erin Tyner said...

I keep checking back to see if you've returned. You are missed by many! I hope all is well and best wishes are sent your way.

Anonymous said...

Where are you? Please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Looks like urban expansion and nature are at it again. Why can't they just get along?

© Shalom Schultz said...

I was just referred to your blog by a friend on Etsy. I am loving the variety of artists you have chosen to highlight - a true feast for the eyes!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! :)

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

I miss your posts! Hope everything is ok...

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

I hope all is well, I'm definitely missing your posts, too!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the introduction. i'm a new fan!

Anonymous said...

I was just reading decor8 when the screen suddenly changed to yours as my finger accidentally hit your link on the blogroll. I must say that this was the best accident tonight. Your blog is so visually beautiful. It's just so attractive that I will now be a regular reader. Now I must go back and read your content. Keep up the BEAUTIFUL work!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I check everyday and am sad to see that you have not posted still. I hope you are ok and will come back again soon. Take care, Jaime

Leah said...

Now I'm really worried, too. Where are you? I truly hope that everything is OK and that you're just taking a much-needed blogging break.

Can you let us know if you're all right?

Thinking about you and hoping that all is well.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, yours is just about the only design/decor/art blog that doesn't annoy me. Can't wait till you're back.

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