Thursday, August 10, 2006

Warrior Magazine Cover Design Contest

Thanks to Design Sponge's post in regards to the Warrior Magazine cover design contest my partner in art and I both decided to create an entry for submission. We are both now laughing hysterically to have just found out we have tied for second. How ironic is that? Although you won't see our submissions on the cover of the magazine, they will be featured inside the magazine as well as Warrior's official website . In the meantime, we have posted them here for your critique/admiration. Thanks again to Warrior Magazine and Design Sponge for inspiring us to create.

(P.S. Waiting for Jean Marie to convert hers to JPEG so I can upload)






  1. lovely art! and isn't Grace just the best? The real deal!

  2. Thank you! And yes, Grace has done wonders for the design world.

  3. I really love when art harkens back to traditional styles like this. The color and sensitivity (both in painting and mosaic)reminds me a lot of ancient artwork that has been unearthed in the greek island of Thera.

    Had a sudden realization that living by lakes and seas seems to trigger a common mood connecting east and west. Nice work ;)
