Friday, January 26, 2007

A few of my favorite things...

I bought a new camera so I'm putting it to use. I plan to share a few of my favorite things every now and again. Things I own that are special to me for whatever reason that may be. Today, a photo of my Dansk fish gravy dish. (That sounded glaringly similar to the cat in the hat.) It belongs in the kitchen but it lives on my mantle. You could say it's "a fish out of water". :) I bought if off Ebay for $13.00. I love Ebay. Don't you?


  1. Your Dansk fish gravy dish is great! That's a mouth full. But I REALLY love the shells!! Are they an Ebay find too??

    BTW-very nice blog.

  2. I would never have dreamed it was a gravy dish - love it. I love the French sell such amazing things.

  3. Hi All the Best. I got these shells from Z- Gallerie, but you can also get them from the Conch King. I think he ships about anywhere. Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is great too. I will be stopping by.

    Hello Di. is great, as is and, and on and on and on. I love Ebay.

  4. I am the ebay queen. When I can't sleep at night I go out to my computer and tell myself I have $5.00 to spend on ebay. I bid on a bunch of things, finally get tired, go back to bed and then wake up to see if i got lucky and won anything. You'd be amazed at some of the "deals" I've gotten this way. yep, I love ebay. k

  5. K,

    Now that's an idea. My husband will love you for it. :)
