Tuesday, February 06, 2007

David Linley

So uncomplicatedly simple. Such a statement. I love the cheese doorstops and this chair looks like pure heaven. Find out more here.


  1. This is one member of the Royal Family that has had success due to his tremendous talent. The other one being Lord Lichfield - photographer. And, well Princess Anne and her daughter can ride horses.
    David Linley's shop is a sophisticated treasure trove but very accessible. He has done a folding screen for the tearooms of The Savoy that is so intricate and amazing you can't stop loooking at it.

  2. Talented he is. I don't suppose you could surreptitiously snap a photo of that screen, could you? ;)

  3. I promise next time I am in London I will force myself to have tea at the Savoy and snap it for you.

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM


    the Screen that you're talking about is going to be auctioned by bonhams along with everything else from the Savoy, 18 - 20 December. Check out the Bonhams website - you can search the catalogue for the Savoy sale and see a picture of the screen. It's gorgeous.
