Friday, February 09, 2007

Dirt is in thanks to Catherine Bertola!

Catherine Bertola (my new best friend) is a genius. She has turned housework into art. No more dusting or sweeping for me. Dirt is my friend, my canvas, my art. Seriously, though. Catherine Bertola fills cracks with glitter. No spackle needed. Swiffers? Forgeddaboudit. Give her some dust and a little PVA glue and you've got wallpaper. To find out more about this amazing woman and her fabulous art click here.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Dirt art? Well, it certainly loooks beautiful - must go read about. Thanks for posting this, J.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    love these details!! And that bottom shot is inspiring as it is!!

  3. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! dirt could never get lovelier than this!

  4. Wow what a fabulous find and she comes from Newcastle where I have a house. I'm so glad I visited your site today - fabulous finds

  5. So glad you all enjoyed. Di is lucky. So many creative people in her neck of the woods. :)

  6. Totally love this!!!

