Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mi casa su casa...

There's a house in translation going on over at Casapinka. Something you should really check out. One of the craziest processes I've ever witnessed, but one of the coolest as well. I think it will be fantastic when finished. In the meantime, Pink posted this picture of a Miles Redd room and I've become a woman obsessed. I must have that horn. I'm a semi-pro when it comes to google, but I'm having difficulty finding anything quite like it. Can anyone help? Thanks.


  1. can't help with the horn, but i love that room... the cozy books and the unexpected pink are so perfect! good luck in your search

  2. Thanks Connie. I think I'm going to need it.

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    It is just a Longhorn Cattle ,horn and you might very likely find a set in a flea market near you. Just cut one and mount in on a block of wood, and Walllllllaaaaa, you have it , for probably 20.00 or less

  4. That's a great idea. I will be on the lookout.

  5. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Z Gallerie has a cheapo version that isn't as pretty as the one you show:

    if that link doesn't work, just go to and search "Buffalo Horns."
