Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Scandinavian Surface

Scandinavian Surface develops patterns for any surface...and I mean any surface. One can never have too much pattern. Enjoy browsing their site and be inspired!


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Thanks for the fantastic link. I would love a small coffee table with one of those prints maybe round with a small spindly legs.

  2. Is that a fox? what is that? I want one! :)

  3. oooh. man. sometimes it's better that we're poor :P

  4. Only thing I can think to say is WOW! What a great find!

  5. Heaven is right. Pattern, pattern everywhere. I would go overboard, no doubt.

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    These designers are also from my town! They're excellent! How did you discover them?

    I've interviewed them several times (I'm a journalist).

  7. Astrid,

    You are right. They're excellent. I found them via one of my google searches. Great stuff. Do you have a blog? Your photos are great.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    So you found them just at random? That's a great find.

    I'm glad to hear you like my photos. No, I don't have a blog, but I use Flickr a lot. Not just for my own photos, also text and inspiration. Flickr is so time consuming I don't think I'll have time for a blog too ;-)

  9. Yes. I do a lot of image searches, which is a great way to find stuff you weren't even looking for. :)
