Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Inspiration for the Day

A couple of images I collected from a Polish website. I would give you more background, but I don't speak Polish. ;) Talk about murals, this one is the mother of murals and I think it's fantastic. Enjoy!


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    No matter what you may think of this room, it's kind of nice to see that the entire world hasn't become a giant Pottery Barn. Someone here actually has a vision and I think you can tell that there's an ethnic bent to it, so those of us in the "USandA" can't really appreciate. Egads, I'm writing while I'm listening to that Simon guy on American Idol. I think I'm sounding like him. Gotta go.

  2. That's quite alright...as long as you didn't vote for Senjaya....;)
