Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Need Your Help

I often get stymied and stumped. I want to keep my creative juices flowing and I need your help. I'm tempted to try this "painting a day thing" (although I know full well I lack the discipline to complete it) and I need ideas...specific ideas of things to paint. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanking you for your assistance in advance. :)


  1. How about a bird a day for a month, and then next month something really simple, like a circle every day for a month?
    great blog! I look at it every day. thanks.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    When I get frustrated with a bigger project, especially paintings, I like to sketch mundane objects I use a lot, like my mixing bowls or reading lamp or things like that. I don't paint them necessarily, but it can be refreshing to shift my focus to things I take for granted, really notice all the detail and try to convey it in different mediums. Since your blog highlights a lot of neat objects, something like that might be fun!

    - J

  3. Excellent suggestions. Thanks so much for commenting!

  4. how about drawing an image of the first thing ur mind sees when u wake up? Or working with simple lines? The Bauhaus used to ask their students to draw a woman in 10 lines. So which ten lines would you draw? haha it fascinates me. I love your blog =)

  5. Anonymous4:30 AM

    What about something from your house every day? Could be a book, an apple, a chair, a plate, a room. One item, a combination of items, a different combination of times. The possibilities would be endless.

  6. Oh what a great idea! I suggest you either keep a dream journal and use ideas from there or you think about what emotions you like from paintings that you like to look at, and examine what makes those so interesting to you. You seem to like nature settings and abstract beauty, that is why I suggest your dreams :) I know that isn't an exact suggestion, sorry. How about objects in your home? You love interiors so, your chair and how it interacts with a lamp? Good luck! I would buy one!

  7. Ellen,
    Great suggestions. I love your cards. I think you should sell them on etsy. :)

    Great suggestions as well. You all have given me so much inspiration. I think a painting is in the cards for me today.

    You've got me pegged! Thanks so much for your suggestions. Great ones.

  8. Anonymous7:58 PM

    You could have some fun doing a "My Monet of the Day" Each day do your own take on a different artist. This is good because it's fast. Like Pollock, Rothko, even Velasquez. You don't have to copy a painting - just the style. A Rembrandt could just be a color,light, contrast study.

  9. Fabulous idea Jennifer! I have been so inspired. I started on my painting a day yesterday. It looks like it's going to be a painting every other day. I just can't finish one in a day. :)

  10. Anonymous3:28 AM

    love your blog, found it today @ delightful blogs, i especially like your "Etsy Pick of the Day"

    I started my "a drawing a day" 10 days ago. I use mix media and try to keep it as simple as possible. so far i did 10 pictures in 10 days. i think i will try to do 12 in a row with one technique and after a break start with a new series. I looking forward to see your first picture ...

    know i have to do my #11 :-)

  11. Thanks siss. Keeping it simple is probably the ticket to success. I, however, apparently have a problem with that. But you may think differently once you see my painting. It is fairly simple. Don't know why I have made it so difficult. :)
