Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Cleaning...

I have some chores to do today so my posts will be spread out. In the meantime, I'll suggest a few things you might want to put on your "to do list".

First, preorder Helen O'Neill's book Florence Broadhurst: Her Secret & Extraordinary Lives from Amazon for $16.47. This book tells the tale of the mysterious and fascinating life of Florence Broadhurst and the details surrounding her unsolved murder. If that's not enough to reel you in, it also showcases more than 100 never-before-published patterns and prints.

Second, for those of you in the USA lusting over the Canadian magazine that is Chocolat, you too can subscribe to this wonderful magazine. You can either do it direct through the magazine's website via an email request, or you can order right here through Amazon. (Hint, the latter is cheaper.)


  1. Hi

    Another fan of Florence Broadhurst. Yay! I bought this book just the other day after lusting after it for a while and posted on my blog about it. Have you seen the movie Unfolding Florence? If you haven't, you must try and track it down, it's fabulous.

  2. I'll have to go check out your post. Was it as good as you expected? I've never seen the movie. I will see if Netflix has it. :)

  3. I didn't know what to expect at all. I suppose it's more like a documentary. It's incredibly well done though and my friend and I absolutely loved it. It was a great insight. There's a link on my post to info about the movie. Hope you can track it down!
