Thursday, April 05, 2007

Inspiration for Today + Your Point of View

The inspiration today is this room designed by the sisters Carillo for Casa Decor '06. I love the color of the walls and how everything, including the trim and ceiling, are painted. The brown beams are delightful and the light fixture couldn't be more perfect. The white bed sets the room off with just the right amount of color for accent. The only thing I think I would change would be the rug and the art on the wall. If it were you, what color rug would be your choice? Am I wrong about the purple? And what are your thoughts on the art? Don't be shy. Please share. Thanks. :)


  1. I like the art, just maybe not in a bedroom. The beams on the ceiling and the panels on the wall are all very strong and bold, so it matches the room, but I think something softer to offset all that might look nice as well. The purple rug works for me, just because it matches the bottom right corner of the artwork. But maybe a darker brown to match the beams would be nice, or a coppery color to play off the bed frame and light.

  2. I love the wall color, but hate the art and the purple rug. I'd go with a white / cream shag rug to be soft underfoot after getting out of bed and set off the turquoise

  3.'s what I've got.

    I see where they were going with the color rug with cool color walls...very harmonious, and yet the shade of purple they chose on the rug still pops. BUT, if it were me, I'd make the rug a tangerene-y/salmon color. Agree or no??

    As for the art, I like the colors alright, but it's just not working for me matter-wise. I would have liked to see something different...less linear with better-defined subject matter.

    Anyway, there's my two cents.

    Which direction would you take it if you could change up the accessories?

  4. i love the walls & beams & flooring, and i actually don't mind the rug color & art so much as the placement of the bed & the lack of functionality (what if you want to read in bed or keep a glass of water nearby or don't want bright light on your face too early in the morn?). i'm very curious what the rest of the room looks like.

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I LOVE the art, hate the purple rug and the floor. The wood beams and light fixture are the coolest.
    The wall color is nice, but I don't like everything in the blue.
