Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm out of rehab...

and loving it. This.........

is now this........

and I am thrilled with the results. It looks even better in person. I am in love with yellow lately and this seems to fill the void. Enjoy and be inspired! :)


  1. it looks so sleek and DESIGNER ware now :) well done :) excelelnt work...

  2. Fantastic! I was waiting to see how this turned out, its perfect.

  3. So much better than what you originally invisioned! This is simply fantastic work, bravo!

  4. Yay! Clever you! It looks so great, and I'm sure you just want to hug yourself whenever you look at it! Well done.

  5. Thanks guys. :) I really am pleased with how it turned out. You know how sometimes you toil on something and it ends up looking like crap and you just want to slap yourself silly, but then every now and again you have an idea and it turns out better than what you imagined, well this is one of those rare instances for me. I am totally enjoying it.

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I like it, I had one of those tilt top game tables once, with lovely Poppies on it.
    Like the new Pic Jules,,,,

  7. that looks amazing! really lovely job!

  8. Thanks guys. :) sfgirlbybay, I am embarrassed I do not have you in my link column. What a gross overlook on my part. Will correct now. :)

  9. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Fantastic! I have to admit I knew you did it in yellow and at first glance I thought the first pics were the redo....I didn't like!
    Then I saw the real redo, AWESOME!

