Thursday, June 28, 2007

How coincidental is this?

On Tuesday I was enjoying this black and white room from Homes and Gardens website and I saved it for future reference. One of the main attractions for me was the framed bull over the chest of drawers due to my most recent and unexplained obsession with bovine art.

Yesterday I was browsing Gotham Notting Hill's room settings and left the browser window open. This morning I began to close out my open windows when I decided to look around some more. I checked out the photograph section and lo and behold there was that photo! It is "La Mancha" by Stuart Redler. A pretty penny it cost, but it's a fantastic photo and I'm pretty much positive it is the exact same photo as the one in the room above. How weird is that?


  1. spooky for sure! Nice photo. It's an extraordinary beast, too. Reminds me of some movie I've seen(Almodovar, must have been) with a massive billboard sized metal bull with its enormous bollocks swinging and creaking in the wind.

  2. I wondered if I should buy it, but after looking at his price list I'm pretty sure my husband would stroke out. :)

  3. Spooky but a gorgeous piece of art.

  4. I just love it when things like that happen. I've had the fortune of a few chance encounters like this when looking for a specific item. I'm inclined to believe it is more than just coincidence!

    I actually love the iconic print. It's very bold and graphic. Best of all, now that you know the name of the print you can begin to peruse eBay and Froogle looking for a more affordable version!

  5. Cool experience! I love when things like that happen! I does make you wonder what's around the corner! Great piece!

  6. Hi, this bull is really typical in Spain; it is know as the Osbourne bull (from a sherry brand). You can get more info on

  7. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Yes, those things do happen! I grew up with a print of a woman breastfeeding a child in my parents' bedroom, who divorced when I was young, but I never forgot that print. About 5 years ago during a trip to Copenhagen, the first day I was there (I should have been in Germany but booked the trip for the wrong trade show dates so went to Copenhagen) and found an identical copy of that print amongst old prints and paintings piled around the store. I think it cost $10 but the meaning to me is priceless.

    I think you bought a very nice piece of artwork and I'm sure it was meant to be! What a beautiful room, too.

  8. Love that bookshelf. I just did a posting on bookshelves because I love them so much....they are such wonderful works of art in and of themselves

  9. I just went on the artist's web-site and love his images

  10. Thanks for all the comments. :)

    Susan, what an amazing story. Sounds like fate to me.

    Val, thanks for the information. I am very happy to know more. :)

    Patricia, I love those bookshelves too. :)

  11. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Where is that large bull, do you think?

  12. Hey Pink, the bull is in Spain. :)

    Val, above, was kind enough to give us a wiki link to its history.
