Thursday, June 07, 2007

I am head over heels in love with Godzilla.

This Godzilla print from etsy seller Monster Gallery has me mesmerized. It's the perfect piece of art to marry a little boy's love of dinosaurs with his mother's quest for taste. At the cost of $3.80 you could afford to by three of the 4 x 4s, frame them in black or white and hang them in a trifecta. A whole room could be designed around this single piece. I love it, but I want it bigger! Please. :)


  1. So fun...this post made me smile! Great idea for hanging them as well.

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    That's the main problem with etsy...a lot of great stuff is so tiny!

  3. Happy to make you smile gmg.

    Anonymous, I agree, too many items are too small. :)

  4. Ah, how cute, I should get this for my sister, she has a little one and I see godzilla in her whenever she stumbles around in her cute little toddler walk....
