Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Drey from Bijou Kaleidoscope tagged me, which means I now have to share 7 facts with you about myself. The people who know me and read this blog could probably give you 7 more interesting facts, but that's what the "permanently delete comment" tab is for. :) So, here goes...

1. I have a chronic habit of starting things I never finish.

2. I met my closest friend four years ago over the internet while hunting down a serial killer. (envisioning you all mentally bookmarking me as crazeeeee.) ;)

3. My husband has yet to buy me a single thing I've blogged about....dear. :)

4. I love my children to pieces.



  1. hehehe :) funny! (i couldn't find another thing to blog about). lucky it was just 7 :P

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    what happened to 5,6,7?

    How about I have a GREAT ARTISTIC MOTHER???
