Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I never wear a watch...

so I have no idea why I'm obsessed with clocks lately, but so it is. Anyway, I came across this fabulous clock via Mrs. Beckie's blog. It's a fabulous Sapele Veneer Clock from etsy seller Ketchhaus. I loved it so much I bought one. They're $30.00 and measure 10 x 10. But you better hurry. There's only 1 left. Enjoy!


  1. thanks for putting my blog on yours. I feel so honored. Isn't that clock gorgeous? I'm so glad you bought it.

  2. You're welcome Beckie. Great find. Can't wait to see it in person.

  3. You are the first woman I have heard say she doesn't wear a watch - neither do I.

  4. Ha! Funny thing about it, I can always tell you the time within 5 minutes of the actual time. :) I think we have our own inner clock.
