Monday, September 17, 2007

John Cornbread Anderson

Another fabulous folk artist whose work I'm currently enjoying. Thrasher, pictured below, can be purchased here for $135.00. Enjoy!


  1. Love this. Sorry that I never picked up any of his work on eBay.

  2. i just stumble on this etsy dealer and instantly remember your posting about john cornbread anderson! check it out-

  3. or just look up cynicthelamb at esty if your cannot copy that link.

  4. G, I know, I know. Wish I would have too. :)

    Cute penguin Erika and it does look strikingly similar.

  5. I first saw his work at the Trinity School Artist Market in Atlanta- he has a fantastic style, and is very reasonably priced! Great post.

  6. You're right Sarah. I love the fact that he has priced his work to be affordable for the masses.

  7. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Cornbread's work is awesome!!! The best place that I've found with his work is at Around Back at Rocky's Place in Dawsonville, GA.

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Matilda's in Alpharetta on Main Street(north ATL suburb) is a fabulous source for Cornbread paintings and folk art of all sorts. The owner, Mary Jane, has a great rapport with John and she can work with him to create specific items such as frogs, guinnea hens, etc. specific to your specs.
