Friday, October 05, 2007

Another idea for the bedroom...

I like the idea of two identical twins/doubles dressed in identical bedding and placed side by side. It gives you closeness and sameness, yet separates, allowing you to have your own personal space in the bed, which makes sleeping oh so much sounder. (image via Nuevo Estilo)


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Oh, those look much more comfy than the wood ones! So Rob & Laura Petrie... :)

  2. I would agree with you there Jane. Much more comfy, plus I like that the beds are actual separate. No feeling the other toss and turn or encroach their knee in your back. :)

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I think you've started a trend! (Although this one does not meet the comfy factor, it is gorgeous...and separate.)

  4. It is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    These are a nightmare to MAKE UP.... Blessu

  6. They are a nighmare to make-up. I had a boyfriend who's parents had this set up. We thought it was really creepy. But it does look nice. I guess it's like high heel shoes. They look great, but is the pain worth it?

  7. You know what, now that you two mention it, you're right. I hadn't even thought of that. It would be a pain to makeup. Definitely not worth it. :)
