Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I think I want a gray bedroom

with just a spark of color. I don't think you can get much more laid back and relaxed as this. (image via Living Etc.)


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    That would probably be really nice. I love the warm hues that grey can have.

  2. Anonymous1:38 AM

    It's nice to see something calm and spare like this, rather than the Miles Redd-style "everything and three kitchen sinks" school of decorating you see glorified on most other design blogs.

  3. This is really pretty. I have found when picking gray its so tricky, there are so many!!!! You got to make sure you get the right one. I love that chair too!!

  4. I'm so glad to see the gray received such a warm reception. It confirms my inclinations. :) I love that chair too Jessie. :)

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I love it too. I think spare, grey bedrooms look great with white picture rails. I've been thinking about painting my bedroom grey since seeing this image on Flickr:

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Me too, me too!!
    Mid light gray & white & a pop on one color, like turquoise! Niiiiice! :)

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    omg. I love it!

  8. A very pleasing room. So fresh and yet elegant.

  9. A very pleasing room. So fresh and yet elegant.

  10. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Can anyone suggest a paint colour for grey like this..warm, bright but grey? Benji Moore, ellen Kennon, etc.?

  11. Hi anony. I will see what I can do for you. I have not yet ventured into the gray color scheme so I don't have personal experience, but let me see what I can find out.
