Thursday, October 18, 2007

Shop Clementine

Golden Opulence Bracelet from etsy seller ShopClementine. Love how the two different chains give it such texture. Enjoy!


  1. Wow, what a wonderful surprise to find my bracelet featured on your blog!
    thank you, thank you! :)

  2. I really like that shade of gold with the stone, plus part of that chain kinda reminds me of safety clips! that is a good thing, naturally.

  3. stunning!!! I'm off t o see how much this will set me back ;)

  4. I just want ed to thank you for finding this. I just bought it! I can't wait to get it in person :)

    thanks for keeping a keen eye out for fabulous pieces. I'm a sucker for the rough yet elegant mix this offers :)

  5. Happy for Franki, the new owner of this stunning piece. Congratulations on your sale Clementine. :)
