Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where can I buy that?

This is a new series I'm starting that will cover products I've seen in images and magazines that I love, but have no idea where to buy. It totally drives me crazy when I come across a must have item and have no clue where to buy it. If you've fallen victim to this crime please feel free to email in your own images and we'll see if we can't track it down.

Today's item is this white faux stump table shown here in Casa Sugar's West Elm Makeover room. I've scoured West Elm's site and have yet to see hide or hair of this table. I want it. I must have it. Got any ideas where it came from?


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    A whole blog dedicated to faux bois (fake wood). They might know...

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Hi! We tracked down the details so check in at CasaSugar tomorrow. Love your blog.

  3. Thanks casa. :) I'll be looking for it.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I know how to make one. Will tell you when I see you.

  5. I totally agree with your comment on photos where you see something you love but don't know where it comes from. This is why I am addicted to Japanese magazines - they are fanatical in listing every item out in their packed spreads. I do the same in scouring magazines and the internet for items I can't find either. Love your blog. I just started one, come visit.

  6. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It is in fact a West Elm Designed product. Not in stores yet.

  7. Anonymous10:43 PM

    You may already know, but it is currently in West Elm stores now; part of their spring line. I work at West Elm.
