Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I want to thank you all for the many comments left. I wasn't feeling well for a time and had a health scare, which turned my attention to things in the "real world". Another Shade of Grey requires a considerable amount of my time and as much as I enjoy it I felt the need to step away for awhile. I don't really know what my plans are for this blog from this point forward, which is why I have hesitated to say anything at all, but I did want to let you know everything is well and I apologize for leaving you hanging. To make amends I share this fabulous hand printed gift wrap via rifferaff. Hope you enjoy! :)


  1. So glad to hear everything is well again. Hope you're enjoying the emergence of Spring.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Take care of yourself. We will miss your posting but health is first.

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hooray, I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! I think most of us would agree that your health is the most important thing. Although, I would miss your blog, if you do decide to go; I would hope for you to have health above all.


  5. Thanks so much for letting us know, Julie. I'm so sorry to hear about your health scare, and relieved that it now seems to be behind you.

    Please take care of yourself. We'll be here when (and if) you're ready to come back.

    All the best to you and your family,


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    So glad you're doing well - I had also started to worry when you didn't post for so long. I totally get the needing to step away from the computer thing - feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk about it.

  8. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I am so sorry to hear you were not well! I've been diligently checking your blog, hope you can keep it going but completely understand if you decide not to. All the best, ~Mike

  9. Glad you're feeling better. Health and sanity definitely come first. =)

  10. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Hope you will soon feel well. I know what you mean about the real world.

  11. Thank you for letting us know what's been going on. I hope you will want to continue the blog, but your well-being is the most important thing.

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM

    You'll still be my favorite blogger, no matter what you decide.

  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I'm glad to hear you're ok. Blogging should be a joy, not a chore. And looking after yourself is much more important. Take care, Jaime

  14. I know all about health scares. I wish you only the best.

    Jules (the girl one) ;)

  15. So ,so happy to hear from you!!!!Wish you the best!

  16. I'm glad to hear you're okay! Take care of yourself, and know you'll have a bunch of excited and happy readers if you come back to blogging. Even if you don't, there's a ton of us out here in internet land sending lots of good thoughts your way!

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Thank you for letting us know you're okay. We were so worried when you just stopped posting so suddenly. I know all your readers wish you the very best. Take care and know that we're all thinking of you.

  18. The main thing is to take care of yourself. Wishing you good health and strength. Your blog is an ab fab fave of mine, but a person's health and wellbeing come first. Selfishly, I'm hoping you'll be back, even on a light schedule. :)

  19. Anonymous12:41 PM

    So glad you're doing well. I missed reading your posts. Take good care, sending you happiness and health. We can all wait, the most important thing is you feeling great.

  20. I noticed some comments deleted. I hope no one is giving you a hard time. People can be so discouraging sometimes. But anyway, welcome back! I wondered what ever happened to you but had a feeling you'd return to the flock! :) Yay!!!

  21. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I'm just very glad you're OK. I hope you continue blogging, but if you don't, thanks so much for all the beautiful things you shared

  22. Anonymous7:16 PM

    yours is the only blog I subscribe to and read in email on a regular basis.
    hope you're doing well.

  23. I was very happy to see another post of yours. You can definitely count me among the worried and I'm glad to see that all is well at the moment. Do take care of yourself first, but know that whatever you decide to do with Another Shade, you've made a lifelong fan of me and I hope to enjoy more of your marvelous finds.

    - Chris

  24. hey hon, take care of yourself... while i'm not anymore all that vocal here, i do come regularly and do count you as a precious blogger friend.

    take care ok? take care of yourself, of your family... i'm sure we'll be here to support and send loads of warm wishes your way anytime u need it.


  25. Thanks for all the sweet comments. You guys are too kind. Hi Holly. :) The deleted comments were spammers that were posting links to sites that attacked your computer.

  26. Glad to see you are back; I missed your blogging. Hope you are fully recovered!
    Take care.

  27. I enjoyed your blog so much! Thanks for all the inspiration and fabulous ideas.
    To your health,

  28. Hi Julie,

    I was wondering where you were....I'm glad everything is ok!


  29. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I am glad to see some of your stuff back and enjoy the things you share. Thanks. I have missed it. KC

  30. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I too am glad all is ok with you. More than you know, I imagine. I hope you will continue your blog and also keep watch on your health , and stay in contact with the real world :)

  31. take care of yourself :)

  32. As the old adage - When you have your health you have everything! Glad you are back and hope all is swell. REally love your blog.

  33. Love this wrapping paper. Wrapping paper is sort of an obsession of mine. I love your blog by the way.. I found you on delightful blogs :)

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