Wednesday, February 04, 2009

And on the 9th day...

there was still no power. Another cold front is moving through and it's now a balmy 23 degrees outside. I sometimes wonder if the rest of these United States has any idea how big of a disaster this is. The only media I have access to is the internet and it sure doesn't seem like Obama has said much. And I definitely haven't seen the likes of Fox News or Keith Olberman running around. Is this on the TV? I'm just curious.


  1. i feel badly for you.

    my town, daytona beach, dealt with 4 back-to-back hurricanes (2004) power, no food, no ice, no gas, no AC, some neighbors lost water access. we also had devastating state wide fires in 1998, and received very little coverage outside of the state (in my opinion) because we have a tourist based economy. CNN called us volusia county in order not to alarm incoming NASCAR fans. the race was canceled...

    yes, we felt ignored, but it's like childbirth(stolen from or raising kids, no empathy 'til you've gone through it.

  2. forgot to add: beautiful photograph!

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Awful- makes my -20F wind chills seem not too bad. Keep smiling, it will melt eventually.

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The News is talking some about Kentucky being hit so hard and the number of deaths there. Not much mention of Arkansas. All they are really talking about is Obama's "Spend-it-all" now and still be broke plan. I have not heard Obama address the Ice storm at all, personally. He just signed an order to make it a disaster area.

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Sorry, Jules, but not a word about it here is so-Cal. :(

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The only real reminders of the weather-related outages in the media that I've seen come from Rachel Maddow in her rants about the need for the govt to spend money on infrastructure, since it seems to, you know, snow every winter and we're still totally unprepared.

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I love your blog! I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Your awful storm is on CNN often and our local Atlanta news too. Just this hour they had a story that FEMA is asking shelters and individuals to throw away any emergency food rations containing peanut butter. What a horror -- the possibility of samonella on top of surviving the freeze. Be safe. And I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Thanks for all the comments and thank heaven for the internet. It's been out all morning and I've been "cleaning" to pass the time. I think you've hit the nail on the head Virginia. Jules, I envy your So-Cal locale. :) Susie Q. I hope to goodness no one gets salmonella on top of this. That would just be bad luck. :)

  9. I'm not sure about television, but I've been hearing about the storm on public radio (KPBS) while in the car - what I've happened to catch was just the effects, not the plan, and that's only because of what was on while I was in the car, not that they aren't addressing it. I'll post to you what I hear in that regard.
    If I could send you the socali weather here, I would in a minute!
    Your photos are stunning, as I said before, I wish the cost of that beauty wasn't so high.
    xo Isa

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    That photo is incredible! I'm so sorry your dealing with all of this .. but I wish that I could snap myself there just for a day to take photographs. Keep warm and safe.

  11. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Where are you? I thought this was Minnesota or something.

    Hope it gets better soon.

  12. Hey Brome. I'm in Arkansas. :)
