Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Gelaskins for your iPod

By Frenchy Studio

To be clear up front, I am in no way being compensated or asked to post about this product. I am writing about Gelaskins from a strictly personal point of view. I think they're awesome. Not because they protect your iPod (that's a perk), but because they further the cause that is design. Gelaskins are designed by artists all over the world. And the great thing is, if you're an artist or graphic designer you can submit your own designs for consideration. If the Gelaskins crew approves not only will you be compensated, but you could have your own designs on your very own iPod. How great is that? To learn more about Gelaskins you can check them out here. Enjoy!

By Simon Oxley
By Aaron Kraten
By Elasavet Lawson
By Alex Noriega
By Dodeskaden


Tracy said...

Wow! These are the coolest things ever! Now I have to go buy an IPod...lol!

Another Shade of Grey said...

Me too. :)

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