Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So not Martha, but oh so me...

Happy Halloween!


Kate F. said...

HA, it makes me think of Calvin & Hobbes.

Linda Merrill said...

very funny!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with you.


Whitney Smith said...

That is the damn funniest pumpkin I have ever seen. I'm going to steal that idea for next year!

Anonymous said...

Being a Swede I don´t celebrate halloween, but if I did, I would certainy make a pumpkin like yours, it´s the best I have ever seen! :-)

Michelle said...

DUDE, I would NEVER have thought to do that, it is so freaking funny! I love love love it! I bet every kid in the hood is talking about that, you just made an indelible memory for some number of children, way to go!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

so. friggin. funny. Thanks for brightening my day!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to keep the neighborhood kids away!

Another Shade of Grey said...

Hey guys. So glad you enjoyed the photo. :) It is an image I came across years ago and instantly "connected" with. I wish I knew who came up with it originally. I'll do some research on that. Definitely a statement maker. A great way to greet your trick or treaters. :)

Jill Clarkson said...

this is so funny. my son and i tricked and treated at house that had a pumpkin like this. the kids thought is was so funny and we told them this is what happens if you eat too much candy!!

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