Friday, October 19, 2007

50's Birdcage Pillow

at the great price of $16.00 from etsy seller Olive. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Love that fabric! I have curtains made from it that mae me smile everytime I look at them.

Anonymous said...

cool! i bought a bedspread made of that fabric from Urban Outfitters, but love the idea of turning it into pillows instead. Thanks!

Graça Paz said...

it´s funny to see this her because i found this fabric on etsy the other day and ordered!it´s fantastic!

Another Shade of Grey said...

So glad you all enjoyed. Great idea treasuring. :)

nannabells said...

I am looking for the 50s birdcage fabric and I saw that someone found it. Do you know the name of the designer?

Shannon -

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